114. Erol O.O.: Injectable and Surgicel - Wrapped Diced Cartilage in Secondary Rhinoplasty, Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters, 2016, Volume 2, Page 869-915
Secondary Rhinoplasty v.II
Rod J. Rohrich & Onur Erol
113. Erol O.O.: Long-Term Results and Refinement of theTurkish Delight Technique for Primary and Secondary Rhinoplasty: 25 Years of Experience, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal, 2016 February.
112. Erol O.O.: Microfat Grafting in Nasal Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2014, July.
111. Erol O.O.: Microfat Grafting in Nasal Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery Journal Online First Version of record, 2014, 22 April.
110. Erol O.O., Agaoglu Galip: Facial Rejuvenation With Staged Injections of Cryopreserved Fat and Tissue Cocktail: Clinic Outcomes in the Past 10 Years Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2013 July; Volume 33, Number 5 Page 639-653
109. Erol O.O.: Tip Rhinoplasty in Broad Noses in aTurkish Population: Eurasian Noses. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012July; Volume 130, Number 1 Page 185-197
108. Agaoglu G, Erol OO. Additional references document the history of gluteal augmentation with cryopreserved fat.Aesthet Surg J. 2010 Mar;30(2):211-6.
107. EROL O.O., Agaoglu G., Uysal A.O. Liponecrotic pseudocysts following fat injection into the breast, Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 April; 124(4):168e-170e.
106. Erol, O.O. Percutaneous Electrothrombosis: A Minimally Invasive Technique for the Treatment of Deep Hemangiomas in the following paginated issue of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Volume 34, Issue 2 (2010), Page 214.
105. Agaoğlu G., Erol O., Delayed Breast Reconstruction with Latissimus Dorsi Flap, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Volume 33, Issue3 (2009), Page 413.
104. Erol OO, Gurlek A, Agaoglu G, Topcuoglu E, Oz H., Treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids using intense pulsed light (IPL). Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2008 Nov;32(6):902-9. Epub 2008 Jun 17.
103. Erol, O.O, Letter to Editor: Brow suspension: a minimally invasive technique.Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Jan;121(1):336; author reply 336-7
102. Erol, O.O, Discussion: Allogenic Cartilage Graft versus autogenous cartilage graft in augmentation rhinoplasty: A decade of clinical experience, (in press) Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
101. Erol, O.O, A Prefabricated, Tissue-Engineered İntegra Free Flap, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 2008 Aug;122(2):682.
100. Erol, O.O, Gurlek A., Agaoglu G., Calf Augmentation with Autologous Tissue Injection, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, (2007 Jan;119(1):427-8. & Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Jun;121(6):2127-33.
99. Erol, O.O , Pence M., Agaoglu G., The Abbé Island Flap for the Reconstruction of Severe Secondary Cleft Lip Deformities, The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, July 2007, Volume 18, Number:4
98. Gundogan H, Erol OO. The application of mesh support in periareolar breast surgery: clinical and mammographic evaluation. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2006 Sep-Oct;30(5):632.
97. Agaoglu G., Manavbasi İ., Kulahci Y., Erol O.O., İnverte Meme Ucu: Literaturun Gozden Gecirilmesi, Turk Plastik Rekonstruktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi, Cilt 14, Sayi 2, Mayis-Agustos 2006, 14 (2): 125-128
96. Erol, O.O. Multifragmented Cartilage Wrapped with Fascia in Augmentation Rhinoplasty. Discussion, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, March 2006, 117(3):813-816
95. Gundogan H, Erol O.O., Periareolar Mammaplasty Patients Perpective. Letter, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery - April 15, 2005, 115(5):1431.
94. Velidedeoglu H., Demir Z., Sahin U., Kurtay A., Erol O. Block and Surgicel-Wrapped Diced Solvent-Preserved Costal Cartilage Homograft Application for Nasal Augmentation. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, June 2005, 115(7):2081-2093
93. Erol OO, Gundogan H.: Diced Cartilage Grafts in Rhinoplasty Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, September 2005, 116(4): 1169-1171
92. Gundogan H, Erol OO. Total ear reconstruction using omental free flap. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, July 2005, 116 (1): 337-337
91. Velidedeoglu H., Demir Z., Sahin U., Kurtay A., Erol O.: Block and Surgicel Wrapped Diced Solvent-Preserved Costal Cartilage Homograft Application for Nasal Augmentation. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, June 2005, 115(7):2081-2093
90. O.Onur Erol: Correction of Postburn Breast Deformity, Letter to Editor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, January 2005, 115(1): 358-360
89. Ö.Onur Erol , Ayhan Enacar : Augmentation Mentoplasty Using a Custom-Design Wire Cage, The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Volume 14, Issue 6, November 2003, 884- 893.
88. Ö.Onur Erol : Perioral Rejuvenation with Injectable Autologous Tissue, Seminars in Plastic Surgery, Volume 17, May 2003, Number 2.173-180.
87. Ö.Onur Erol: Discussion: Nasal Augmentation with Surgicel-Wrapped Diced Cartilage : A Review of 67 Consecutive Cases, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, March, 2003, 111(3): 1319 – 1321.
86. Serhat Totan, Galip Ağaoğlu, Ö.Onur Erol: Plastik Cerrahide Temel Fotoğraf Teknikleri ve Standardizasyon. Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi.. Cilt 10, Sayı 2, Sayfa 106-111, Mayıs-Ağustos 2002
85. Ö.Onur Erol, Ozan Sözer, H.Velidedeoğlu: Brow Suspension, a Minimally Invasive Technique in Facial Rejuvenation Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol:109:2521- 2532, June 2002
84. Ö.Onur Erol: New Modification in Otoplasty: Anterior Approach. 2002 Year Book Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Reconstructive SurgeryTM
83. Ö.Onur Erol and Galip Ağaoğlu: In Situ Split Costal Cartilage Graft Harvesting Through a Small Incision Using a Gouge. Editor in Chief: Stephan H.Miller, MD, MPH,Adjunt Proffessor of Surgery, Northwestern University, Evanston, III, September 2000 2002 Year Book of Plastic and Aesthetic SurgeryTM
82. Galip Ağaoğlu, Serhat Totan, Hıfzı Velidedeoğlu, Ö.Onur Erol,: Fibrosarkomatöz Değişim Gösteren Dermatofibrosarkoma Protuberans: Olgu Sunumu ve Literatün Gözden Geçirilmesi. Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi. Cilt 10, Sayı 1, Sayfa 49-52, Ocak-Nisan 2002
81. Ö.Onur Erol and Galip Ağaoğlu: Reconstruction of the Superior Labial Sulcus in Secondary Bilateral Cleft Lip Deformities: An Iverted U-Shaped Flap. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol.108, No.7 p.1871, December 2001
80. O.Onur Erol: Alloderm Used in Rhinoplasty, Letter to Editor, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. November 2001, 108(6):1827-1828 79. Galip Ağaoğlu and Erol, Ö. O.: Long Standing Seroma After Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction. Annals of Plastic Surgery. Vol 46, p.573-574, May 2001
78. Erol, Ö.O, Pençe, M., Güney, H., Ağaoğlu,G.: Discussion: Our experience in the August 1999 Earthquake Kocaeli, Turkey. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. January 2001
77. Murat Pençe, Hakan Güney, Galip Ağaoğlu, Ö.Onur Erol: Discussion: An Earthquake Disaster in Turkey: Assessment of the Need for Plastic Surgery Services in a Crisis Invertion Field Hospital Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, January 2001
76. Erol, Ö. O.: New Modification in Otoplasty: Anterior Approach. Journal of Plastic and Reconstr.Surgery, Volume:107, No.1 p.193, January 2001
75. Galip Ağaoğlu, Ö.Onur Erol: Ultrasonik Liposuction’la Vücut Konturlarının Düzeltilmesi: Klinik Deneyimimiz Türk Plastik Cerrahi Dergisi, Cit.8 Sayı.3, Eylül-Aralık 2000
69. Erol, Ö. O. : Combined Techniques in Face Rejuvenation. I International European Appointed XX National Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic Surgeons on CD-ROM, 1998.
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1. Erol, Ö. O. : Total Rotation Advancement Technique in One Stage Repair of Wide Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip: 10th Annual EURAPS Meeting, Madrid, Spain 20-22 p.45, May 1999
1. Erol, Ö. O. : The Turkish Delight: A Pliable Graft for Rhinoplasty.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol.105, No.6 p.2229-2239, May 2000
1. Erol, Ö. O. : Facial Autologus Soft Tissue Contouring by Adjunction of Tissue Cocktail Injection (Micro and Mini Grafts, Mixture of Dermis Fascia and Fat). Plastic and
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1. Galip Ağaoğlu and Erol, Ö. O. Insitu Split Costal Cartilage Graft Harvesting Through a Small Incision Using a Gouge. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
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68. Erol, Ö.O. : 23 Years of experience with circumureolar mastopexy European Plastic Surgery Journal on CD-ROM, 1997
67. Erol, Ö.O. : The development of neovascularisation in flap prefabrication with vascular implantation: an experimental study
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64. Erol, Ö.O. : Otoplasty: Anterior approach Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Transactions of the 11th Congress of IPRAS, Yokohoma, Japan, 1995, p.126 Editor: K. Harii, Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York
63. Erol, Ö.O. : New approach in secondary rhinoplasty for short nose "immediate expansion and cartilage graft" Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Transactions of the 11th Congress of IPRAS, Yokohoma, Japan, 1995, p.123 Editor: K. Harii, Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, New York
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51. Özcan, G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Trafik kazalarında plastik cerrahinin yeri.
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50. Erdoğan, B., Günay, G. K., Çelebi, C., Sipahioğlu, M., Erol, Ö.O. and Hazarlı- Gürsu, K. G. : Mesh greft uygulaması.
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49. Keçik, A., Günay, G. K., Hazarlı- Gürsu, K. G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Kerato akantoma ve skuamoz hücreli karsinoma ikilemi.
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48. Çelebi, C., Barutcu, A., Özcan, G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Mandibula osteosarkomu (Olgu bildirimi).
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47. Özgentaş, E., Erol, Ö. O. and Hazarlı- Gürsu, K. G. : Sekonder arteriyel perikondrial fleplerde kıkırdak rejenerasyonu (deneysel araştırma).
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46. Erdoğan, B., Barutcu, A., Karabag, A. and Erol, Ö. O. : Sekonder island fleple yanak rekonstrüksiyonu (olgu bildirimi).
Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Dergisi, Cilt:IV, V:35, 1983.
45. Erol, Ö. O., Barutcu, A. and Çelebi, C. : Anterior tibial bölge defektlerinin gastreknemius muskulokutanoz flep tekniği ile tek evrede rekonstrüksiyonu. Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Dergisi, Cilt: IV, V: 29, 1983.
44. Erol, Ö. O., Keçik, A. and Çelebi, C. : Serbest latissimus dorsi kas-deri flebi.
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43. Sipahioğlu, M., Erol, Ö. O., et al. : Dibbell yontemi ile cleft-lip-nose onarımı.
Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Dergisi, Cilt: II, III:141, 1982
42. Özgentaş, E., Erol, Ö. O., et al. : İki taraflı dudak yarıklarının tek evreli tedavisi (7yıllık dönem sonuçları). Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Dergisi, Cilt: II, III: 127, 1982 41. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : Areola transposition technique in the reconstruction of breast deformities due to burns. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 35:36, 1982.
40. Erol, Ö. O., Spira, M., Feldman, L. and Sutherland, B. : A micrometer for microsurgery.
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39. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : Utilization of composite island flap employing omentum in organ reconstruction. An experimental investigation.
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38. Erol, Ö. O., Parsa, D. F., Spira, M. and Justice, J. : An improved method for fluorescein photography.
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37. Erol, Ö. O., Parsa, D. F. and Spira, M. : The use of the secondary island graft-flap in reconstruction of the burned ear.
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36. Sipahioğlu, M., Erol, Ö.O., Çelebi, C., Özgentaş, E. : Cleft lip nose repair using Dibbell's technique.
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35. Erol, Ö.O. : Areola transposition technique in the reconstruction of breast deformities due to burns.
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34. Özgentaş, E., Erol, Ö.O., Erk, Y., Keçik, A., Şensöz, O., Hazarlı, K.G. : Modified Millard method in the repair of bilateral cleft lip: Seven years follow-up.
IV. Congress of the European Section of IPRS. Abstract Book, Athens, 1981, p 26.
33. Erol, Ö.O., Parsa, D.F., Spira, M. : A mastopexy technique for mild to moderate ptosis (film). IV. Fourth Congress of the European Section of IPRS. Abstract Book, Athens,1981, p 14.
32. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M .: Development and utilization of composite island flap employing omentum: Experimental investigation.
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31. Erol, Ö. O., Parsa, D. F. and Spira, M. : The use of the secondary island graft-flap in reconstruction of the burned ear.
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30. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : New capillary bed formation with a surgically constructed arteriovenous fistula.
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29. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : Secondary musculocutaneous flap. An experi- mental investigation.
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28. Erol, Ö. O., Spira, M. and Levy, B. : Microangiography: A detailed technique of perfusion Surgical Research, 29:406, 1980.
27. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : A mastopexy technique for mild to moderate ptosis.
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26. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : Complete periosteal bone regeneration after subtotal ostectomy in pigs.
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25. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : Inlay method to protect skin and composite graft in experimental animals.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 64:271, 1979.
24. Erol, Ö. O. : Radical mastektomiden sonra omental sekonder damar saplı deri flep ile meme rekonstrüksiyonu (deneysel araştırma).
Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 12:1-16, 1979.
23. Erol, Ö. O. : Organ reconstruction with omental secondary composite island flaps. Plastic Surgical Forum, V:II, p 257, 1979.
22. Spira, M. and Erol, Ö. O. : Delay phenomenon - A new technique.
American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum, Chicago, V.:XXX, p 523, October 1979.
21. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : New capillary bed formation with a surgically constructed arteriovenous fistula.
American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum, Chicago, V.:XXX, p 530, October 1979.
20. Şensöz, O., Hazarlı, K. G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Hemanjiomalarda konservatif tedavi sonuçları.
Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Dergisi, Cilt:I,V:64, 1978.
19. Erol, Ö. O. and Spira, M. : The omentum island skin graft-flap.
Surgical Forum, A.C.S., San Francisco, 29:594, 1978.
17. Keçik, A., Erol, Ö. O. and Gürsu, K. G. : Porphyria Turcica'da Rekonstrüktif cerrahi girişimler (olgu bildirimi).
Pastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Dergisi, 1:26-33, 1978.
1. Erol, Ö. O., Keçik, A. and Gürsu, K. G. : Ameloblastoma olgu bildirimi. Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Dergisi, 1:79-84, 1978.
16. Erk Y, Erol Ö. O. and Gürsu, K. G. : Experimental study for effects of cortisone, dexamethasone, and epdantoin in cleft palate deformity in rats.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 58:252, 1976.
15. Erol, Ö. O. : The transformation of a free skin graft into a vascularized pedicled flap.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 58:470, 1976.
4. Gürsu, K. G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Dudak yarığı (primer damak yarığı) ile beraber görülen ek malformasyonlar.
Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 7:193, 1974.
1. Erol, Ö. O. and Gürsu, K. G. : Bölümümüzde görülen dudak yarıklarında etiopatolojik bazı faktörlerin klinik araştırması.
Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 7:256, 1974.
1. Erk, Y., Erol, Ö. O. and Gürsu, K. G. : Farelerde kortizon dekzametazon ve epdantoinle damak yarığı meydana getirilmesi.
Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 7:289, 1974.
1. Erol, Ö. O. and Gürsu, K. G. : Velo-farengeal yetmezliğe bağlı konuşma bozukluklarının farengeal flep ile tedavisi.
Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 7:437, 1974.
1. Erol, Ö. O. and Gürsu, K. G. : Millard metodu ile dudak yarığı tamirinden alınan sonuçlar.
Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 7:329, 1974.
1. Erk, Y., Gürsu, K. G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Prognozu karanlık bazı nörofibromatozis Vakaları Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 7:495, 1974.
1. Erol, Ö. O. and Gürsu, K. G. : Bilateral dudak yarıklarının tamirinde yeni modifie bir metod.
Hacettepe Tıp/Cerrahi Bülteni, 7:655, 1974.
1. Gürsu, K. G., Erol, Ö. O. and Keçik, A. : Hacettepe Üniversitesi hastaneleri plastik ve rekonstrüktif cerrahi bölümünde görülen yanıkların analizi ve ekstremite yanıklarından alınan tedavi sonuçları Türk Hemşireler Derneği, sayı 3, sayfa: 13-17, 1975
1. Erol, Ö.O. : Serbest deri greftinin damar saplı flep şekline dönüştürülmesi TUBITAK V. Bilim Kongresi, 1975.
Transformation of a free skin graft into an island flap.
Scientific and Technical Research Council of Türkey, Fifth Scientific Congress, 1975.
1. Erol, Ö. O. : Elektrik yanıkları.
Yanık Sempozyumu, Ed. Sadun Uzel ve Namık Baran, Gülhane As. Tıp Akademisi Basımevi, sayfa: 229, 1976.
1. Erol, Ö. O. : Kulak yanıklarında rekonstrüksiyon.
Yanık Sempozyumu, Ed. Sadun Uzel ve Namık Baran, Gulhane As. Tıp Akademisı Basımevi, sayfa: 277, 1976.
3. Gürsu, K. G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Hamartoma of the soft palate.
Hacettepe Bulletin of Medicine/Surgery, 7:56, 1974.
2. Gürsu, K. G. and Erol, Ö. O. : A giant breast hypertrophy.
Hacettepe Bulletin of Medicine/Surgery, 7:16, 1974.
1. Gürsu, K. G. and Erol, Ö. O. : Xeroderma pigmentosum and malignancy.
Hacettepe Bulletin of Medicine/Surgery, 7:67, 1974.
1. Ö. Onur Erol, "Doğmalık Dudak-Damak Yarıkları", Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Vakfı Merkezi, "Yeni Doğan Acilleri", by Müesser Tuncer, May 2005.
2. Ö. O Erol, "Autologous Volumetric Three-Dimensional Shaping of the Face", Ch.10, Three Dimensional Facial Sculpting by Edward O. Terino, 2006
3. Ö. Onur Erol, "Vasküler Anomaliler ve Hemanjiyonlar", "Neotolojinin Temel Ilkeleri ve Acilleri" by Müesser Tuncer, p: (585-592), 2007
4. Erol O.O., Agaoglu G.:Calf Augmentation with Fat Transfer, Encyclopedia of Aesthetic Rejuvenation Through Volume Enhancement, June 2014, Page 339-342
5. Erol O.O., Agaoglu G.: "Turkish Delight" Graft to the Nasal Dorsum, Encyclopedia of Aesthetic Rejuvenation Through Volume Enhancement, June 2014, Page
6. Erol O.O.: Injectable and Surgicel - Wrapped Diced Cartilage in Secondary Rhinoplasty, Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters, 2016, Volume 2, Page 869-915